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Sunday, January 16, 2011

New emerging trends in health and food.

As oil reserves are depleted…
As the world population increases…
As climate changes worsen…
As food shortages become more common…
As our soils become less productive…
As the nutritional content of our food decreases…
As our health deteriorates….

Major change has to happen soon and
three emerging trends will become clearer, namely

We will need to grow more of our own food locally in our home gardens and in community gardens, because of increasing transport costs and the diminishing number of farmers and productive land to farm (the average age of farmers in the UK is already 60; the major trend to bigger and bigger cities uses more and more land; farming used to be a major employer; agriculture used to employ more than 40% of the workforce, now it is down to 3%; farming skills have been lost).

Farmers will have to reduce their dependency on oil, diesel, man-made chemicals, herbicides and pesticides. Conventional farming is the major contributor to CO2 emissions causing organic matter levels to plummet. There will be a greater emphasis on fruit and vegetables, nuts and berries rather than cereals, grains and meat; this will come about partly because small acreage is far more productive and profitable than big farms and diversity increases production; large farms have tended to specialise on one or two crops or animals and have become dependent on transport and export markets; gardens are more productive per square metre than farms. Unemployment will also encourage more people to start growing their own food. Meats and animal products are extremely resource intensive, requiring enormous amounts of water, food and fossil fuels to produce. The widespread consumption of meat is not ecologically sustainable. Plants become even more important.

Our existing health system (Doctors & Hospitals) will collapse, because

v The cost is rising too fast to be sustainable (worsened by the financial crisis),
v Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other problems are escalating,
v The population is ageing.
This will eventually cause a major refocus on prevention rather than treating symptoms, and a recognition that the primary cause of health problems is a deficiency in minerals in our diets.

The major common trend in all three of the above is for all families and individuals to start growing their own food without using herbicides, pesticides and man-made chemicals i.e. growing organically increasing the organic matter in the soil with compost and focussing on growing food with high nutritional content. This will overcome the mineral deficiencies and reverse the health crisis, start reducing CO2 emissions, reduce the dependency on oil, increase food production solving food shortages and starvation. Even the White House has already started a vegetable garden in 2009!Written by Geoff Buckley. For more visit http://www.growinghealthyorganicfood.com/

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